Friday, December 02, 2005

Election Position Descriptions

Alright, so I thought that it would probably be good to set forth some sort of agenda so that everyone can know what to expect during next weeks meeting. Oh! I'm also bringing milk and donuts!

1. Prayer.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Learn from the Constitution.
I forgot to ask for a volunteer to choose a part of the constitution and to teach from it in our next meeting. Unless someone wants to volunteer to give it I'll do it.

4. Create a purpose and a mission.
I will present some things from the DNC platform, but other than that I figured that we should create it together so that it can be something that we all stand behind. I'll bring a sample constitution.

Here's what everyone can do: Think about what you believe the Democratic Party stands for and then think about what we as students can do about it. Bring this to the meeting.

6. Election.
The election will be for the Executive Board. The Executive Board determines the agenda and policy and coordinates all activities. Below are the positions and their descriptions.

President: 1: Be the Chief Executive Officer of the College Democrats;

2: Define the agenda of the College Democrats during his or her tenure;

3: Act as the official representative of the College Democrats to other groups and the media;

4: Carry out the mandates, policies, an directives of the Executive Board;

5: Preside over all meetings of the College Democrats.

Vice-President: 1: Assist the President in the performance of his or her duties; including brainstorming ideas and evaluating the progress of the Executive Board and organization as a whole;

2: Act as President when the President is unable to perform his or her duties;

3: Assume the office of the President upon the President’s death, resignation, removal, or inability to perform duties;

4: Be the Chief of Staff and take on projects of his or her choosing.

Treasurer: 1: Direct fundraising activities and prepare all grants;

2: Manage the bank account and budget;

3: Take minutes and perform clerical duties;

4: Perform such duties as the President may assign and take on projects of his or her choosing.

Communications Director: 1: Coordinate all postering and publicity activities;

2: Notify media of all events of the College Democrats in an attempt to ensure media coverage;

3: Perform such duties as the President may assign and take on projects of his or her choosing.

Someone who is qualified for these positions is someone who is committed to the cause, someone who can give time, and someone who is creative and diligent.

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